Image source: https://ninehertzblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/android-vs-ios-development-img.png
Android users are increasing at a rapid pace and worldwide Android end users market share for the Android O.S is 80.7% and iOS end users market share for the iOS O.S is 17.7%.
It is true that different users prefer to use the specific smart phone or O.S. Let us say if you target the users from U.S.A then you should focus to develop iPhone mobile applications. But if you are targeting the whole world means users from all the countries, then you should prefer Android app development.
Check out the reasons why you need an Android app development company:
1. Convenience To Customers
The use of mobile applications will benefit your business. People want to use smart phones to fulfill their basic needs because they save time and are easily portable.
With the use of mobile phones, the users can get a lot of benefits like find instant solutions, Google Maps, get knowledge etc.
There are a lot of end-users in the world who are using Android O.S. And by using Android apps, the users can easily share data like images, documents, and videos from one android user to another.
Many Android apps are available in the market to fulfill the specific need which provides an option to select an appropriate Android application.
2. Easy Accessibility
Due to the popularity of the Android operating system, many manufacturers are using Android as the O.S for their devices. Apart from that, there are a lot of mobile app stores where the customers can buy and download Android apps for their Android devices.
Within a few hours, you can download or update an app or game multiple times a day on the Google Play Store. Another advantage is that the app is available only for testers or a subset of testers to improve your mobile app.
3. Increase Sales and Revenue
In the present era, it is mandatory to have an amazing mobile app for if you want to boost and increase sales and revenue of your business.
A lot of people are using smart phones and accomplishing their needs and with a huge amount of Android users from the world, it can be of great benefit of having a unique and different Android Application.
Make a convenient shopping gateway to you users via Android application to make their shopping tasks easy. It will increase a chance of having higher sales by offering a smooth mobile shopping experience to customers.
4. Android App Development Point Of View
A) Android Studio
Android Studio is an awesome IDE for Android app development. as it is efficient and fast. Using Android Studio, the developer can easily set up a new Android project for different types of Android apps within a few seconds.
Key Features:
a) Gradle based build system
b) Integration with Google Cloud Platform
c) There is an option to preview a layout on multiple screens
d) Enhance support for Android TV, Wear, and auto apps
e) Multiple APK file generation and build variants.
B) Java
Java is a robust programming language used on many operating systems or devices. To develop iPhone apps, iPhone developer should have knowledge of Objective C or Swift programming language.
5. Android market prediction
With its open source and providing an open growing market, Android can bring down the price of Android phones and boost the growth of Android market share.
6. Android App Submission
Submitting an Android app is cost-effective that submitting it to the Apples app store. For Android app submission, there is $25 cost one-time investment whereas for Apple developers its is $99 per year.
You need Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, and Mac to test iOS apps while you can test run it on Android SDK for Android apps.
7. Easily Portability to other O.S
Due to its close source, iOS has some of the portability issues while the open source Android can be easily ported to other operating systems such as Ubuntu, Symbian, and Chrome Blackberry.
Many big manufacturer companies like Google, HTC, Sony, Asus, LG, Motorola and Samsung etc are using Android for different platforms.
If you have a chance to choose any one platform or O.S for mobile app development then keep in mind the above 7 reasons and you will definitely go ahead with the Android App Development from a top android app development company.