Sunday, December 31, 2017

5 Rules Of Writing Amazing Online Content For Your Vape Blog

5 Rules Of Writing Amazing Online Content For Your Vape Blog

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The vaping industry is booming, and if you have a vape blog, you need to stand out from the pack.

Over nine million Americans in the United Stated vape, so theres a market for content geared towards these users. Many Americans use vaping as a way to quit smoking, substituting cigarettes for the less toxic vapor.

Ahead, well cover some strategies you can employ to spice-up your vape blog and gain more traffic.

Focus on Headlines

An article is only as strong as its headline.

The headline is the first thing readers will see and will inform their decision on whether or not theyll actually read your content. If you have a boring, confusing, or wordy headline, chances are not many people will click on your blog.

Try to evoke curiosity in the reader by presenting something surprising or shocking. Peak their interest with your headline, and compel them to read your blog to find out more.

Develop Your Voice

Style and voice are what keeps people coming back. They might be able to get the same information from another source, but they visit your blog to hear you tell it.

Discovering your voice takes time, and determining your style can be hard. Once youve crafted a few blogs, though, you should have a sense of what makes your content unique.

Stick to What Your Readers Like

If youre writing a vape blog, then you should stick to what youre readers are looking for: blogs about vaping and vape products.

An entertainment post is fine now and then, but make sure its somehow related to vaping. Stay away from politics, as an opinion on these topics is sure to lose about half of your audience.

List Content

People love lists.

List content is one of the most popular forms of written content on the internet. Any blog should use lists as a way to boost readers. Theyre easy to digest, and usually a pretty quick read.

You dont have to write list articles exclusively, but youd be foolish not to incorporate a few into your blog. Theyll draw new readers in and help with your promotion efforts.


Eventually, youll have to monetize your blog. Its hard to make advertising money when youre starting out, but once you get a few consistent readers, itll get easier. Reach out to companies like Flavour Vapour for affiliate links, and start getting some cash for your efforts.

You dont need this step to create great content. You can always keep chugging along for free. The hard part is, after a while, it may be difficult to keep your motivation if youre not receiving any money for your efforts. Its important to set goals so you can reward yourself with tangible progress.

Make Your Vape Blog a Success

Use these five tips, and youll be on your way to creating valuable content your readers will love. From there, you can start making money from your blog and creating more content for vape enthusiasts around the world.

Need any more content creation tips? Check out our blog!

5 Reasons Why Hawaii Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

5 Reasons Why Hawaii Should Be Your Next Travel Destination

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As one of the most popular destinations in the world, Hawaii boasts beautiful landscapes and a tranquil environment. The location is often included on most people's bucket list because it's the perfect place to relax and unwind from your daily routine. For those who are considering their travel plans in the future, there are five reasons why Hawaii should be the next place on your itinerary.

1. Beaches

Crystal clear water and soft white sand are the main draw of Hawaiian beaches and probably the main reason why people decide to visit the Hawaiian Islands. With over 750 miles of shoreline and 400 named beaches open to the public, it is the perfect place to take a dip in the warm water or lay out on the sand. 

Every Hawaiian Island is home to at least one famous beach, but Oahu's Waikiki is the most popular beach by far. Every year, thousands of people visit Oahu to take a dip in Waikiki's warm turquoise waters and lounge around on its gleaming white sand shore. For visitors who prefer other kinds of beaches, there are plenty of options yellow sand, black sand, red sand, and green sand beaches.

2. Ocean activities

Hawaii is one of the best places to travel to when you want to stay busy with the water activities and tours that are available. It offers world-class surfing, fishing, windsurfing, boogie boarding, and paddle boarding in clear waters throughout the year, making it a perfect place to enjoy for all ages. You can also explore the underwater world with snorkeling and scuba diving.

Those who want to stay dry while still going on an adventure can choose to take a sailing tour or a sunset and dinner tour where delicious Hawaiian food is served as you take in the panoramic views of the ocean. 

Underwater cruises are another popular activity to enjoy. Simply board a submarine and enjoy an underwater experience where you can view different types of marine life and perhaps get a glimpse of dolphins or whales.

3. Volcanoes

When you want to go on an adventure in Hawaii, volcanoes are the perfect place to explore. All Hawaiian Islands are of a volcanic origin so there are several active volcanoes open to the public. The biggest attraction is Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, home to Kilauea  
the world's most active volcano. It has been erupting constantly since 1983 and is definitely one of the best places on earth to enjoy the sight of flowing lava.

Many tourists also visit Kilauea Overlook at night when an orange glow is visible with the volcano's lava. You can even hop on a flight with one of the companies that provide scenic flights that overlook the liquid hot magma.

4. The perfect climate

Hawaii has some of the best weather on the planet. Although there are two distinct seasons, the temperatures are pretty much consistent throughout the whole year. They range from 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit so you can be sure you will never feel too hot or too cold. 

Daily rain showers keep the islands green and lush, creating beautiful and picturesque settings it is known for. And when the trade winds start blowing, the pleasant cool breezes will make you feel the place is nothing short of paradise on earth.

5. Fantastic food

Hawaiian cuisine is an incredible cultural melting pot that blends different cooking traditions, including Polynesian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Mexican, and Portuguese. Discovering the unique fusion dishes at local establishments and hotels can alone be the perfect reason to visit the Hawaiian Islands.

Besides everyday local grinds, you can also indulge in Hawaii's haute cuisine. Always prepared with the freshest local ingredients that are blended to palatable perfection, Hawaii Regional Cuisine will take your taste buds on holiday. And if you're looking for a truly authentic experience that combines food, music and dance, visit one of the luau parties that are known for fantastic feasts served right on the sand.

Final Word

With the impeccable views, some of the best beaches in the world, and a perfect climate, Hawaii is a beautiful destination to visit when you need an escape. Plenty of activities and attractions will also provide you with a busy itinerary to ensure that you can enjoy a bit of adventure in a place that feels like paradise.

5 Reasons to Hire Professional Window Cleaners

5 Reasons to Hire Professional Window Cleaners

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Whether youre looking to impress the guests at your next dinner party or simply improve the curb appeal of your home, nobody likes the sore sight of cloudy or streaky windows.

Hiring professional window cleaners has numerous advantages, and weve listed the top five below.

Lets get into it!

Why Hire Professional Window Cleaners

Prolong the Quality of Windows

Regularly cleaning your windows helps them last longer. This is because window treatments remove the accumulated dirt and corrosion. They also target the aluminum deposits that can weaken windows and cause cracks.

Even though professional window cleaners may cost more out-of-pocket now, you may end up saving significantly more money in the long-term. Talk about a win-win.

Its a Really Hard Job

Be honest here. Whens the last time you thoroughly cleaned your windows? Cant remember. Dont worry about it. We promise youre not alone.

Cleaning windows is tedious, difficult, and time-consuming, especially if you have tall windows and need to move a ladder around. Its also the last thing you want to worry about if you need to sell your home quickly.

Thats not to mention the potential streaking that often occurs with improper squeegeeing techniques.

This where the experts, like LaborPanes, come in. They handle the grueling work with a smile. You enjoy beautiful, clean windows.

Safety First

We mentioned that the labor behind window cleaning is tedious. With that said, it can also be incredibly dangerous.

The risk of falling off ladders, especially when reaching in awkward angles, and trying to balance different weights, is a very serious danger. Just because you know how to use a ladder doesnt mean you know how to do a difficult chore with one.

Windows can break, especially if you arent exactly sure what youre doing while cleaning, and we all know that glass shattering is incredibly risky.

Finally, the harsh chemicals used for window cleaning can be toxic for you and your family, especially if you arent wearing the appropriate protective gear.

Unbeatable Aesthetic Appeal

Dirty windows can make the entire place look off. If youre looking to improve your homes curb appeal, especially if youre in the process of selling, professional window cleaning is a no-brainer.

Dirt and debris can cause damage, and neither of them look very appealing for you or your guests to see. In other words, this is simply one part of home maintenance you dont want to skip out on.

Keep the Sunshine In and the Bugs Out

Professional window cleaners are experts at detecting those annoying, pesky creatures that seep into those window cracks.

Ever look behind a dirty window shutter and seen a dusty cobweb or bee nest? What about a cluster of dead flies?

Final Thoughts

Professional window cleaning is one of the best choices you can make to maintain the beauty and safety of your home.

If youre tired of streaky windows or wasting the entire day doing it yourself, consider leaving the job to the pros. Were confident you wont regret it!

Not exactly a lovely sight for your home. Hiring professionals eliminates this annoying and potentially hazardous task for you.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

5 Office Layout and Design Tips

5 Office Layout and Design Tips

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Your office is where you make things happen.

But did you know your office layout can have a major impact on your productivity (or lack thereof)?

Here are 5 handy tips for you to make the most of your workspace and get the creativity buzzing.

1. Invest in Quality

Good technology like lightning-speed WiFi or VoIP phones work wonders for productivity. Employees can work more quickly while reducing stress and wasting less time.

But furniture also makes a big difference.

Invest in the basics, like comfortable chairs and good quality desks. Writeable walls for new ideas and stacking chairs for conferencing also lend to more productive spaces.

All of this goes towards an appealing and flexible workspace for employees. Itll make them feel appreciated, which in turn makes them more productive.

2. Include a Chillout Space in Your Office Layout

When you spend half your waking hours at work, you need somewhere where you can enjoy a little downtime.

Relaxation at work boosts productivity, so include an area where workers can relax. They might head there to take a break, have a snack, or meditate. These spots can also be used as an informal meeting room or for an office lunch party.

Why not ask your employees for ideas on what theyd like to see in their chillout space? That way, you can invest in something theyll really enjoy.

3. Standing Desks for Health

Since healthy workers are more productive, your employees health is one of your biggest assets.

One way to promote better health is to use a standing desk. Standing desks can increase focus and concentration and even boost energy levels!

Electrically-adjustable desks are the best kind. They can be raised or lowered quickly to the users height at the simple touch of a button.

For ideas on how to assemble your office furniture, click here.

4. Have Quiet Zones

In a world of assignments and deadlines, sometimes workers need a quiet place to concentrate or make private phone calls.

One way you can help is to include both quiet and private zones in your office space. Workers know they can go there to focus on a project or assignment.

A space thats both comfortable and functional works best and helps to keep employees happy.

5. Get Rid of Clutter

According to a survey by Office Max, 90% of office workers are negatively affected by unorganized clutter at work. 77% said it negatively affected productivity!

To counter this, invest in desk-organizing equipment and have a clutter-free policy. Of course, youll also need to make sure that floor space is clear of files and the tops of filing cabinets are free of paperwork.

A clutter-free office is better for the mind. This leads to less stressed, more driven employees.

The Takeaway

To have happy workers, youll need to make sure their environment works for them.

Invest in your office layout and furniture to ensure your employees feel appreciated. Theyll be more productive and work harder for you, which is a win-win situation.

Liked this post? Why not check out our article on other ways to boost morale at work.

5 Most Shocking Meth Lab Explosions in History

5 Most Shocking Meth Lab Explosions in History

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Breaking Bad aired its finale in 2013. Youd think that after it brought the grisly details of the meth business to the forefront of Americas consciousness, use would start to decline.

Unfortunately, the manufacture of this deadly drug continues, and it continues to claim the lives not only of those who are addicted to the drug, but those who make it.

Unlike weed, theres nothing funny or entertaining about crystal meth.

Meth lab explosions are a tragic but all-too-common experience. Heres a chilling look at some of the worst ones:

1. Locke, NY, 2014

Nine people in Upstate New York were charged in connection with the death of a man who died from injuries he sustained during a meth lab explosion. Four of the individuals arrested by the Cayuga County District Attorneys office were related to the victim, 47-year-old Shawn Perrault.

Authorities say that Perrault was actively cooking the methamphetamine in a mobile home when an explosion set the home, as well as a nearby barn, on fire. Perrault sustained major injuries, from which he died nine days later.

Perhaps most tragic of all? Three children were in the mobile home at the time of the incident.

2. Evansville, IN, 2011

In one of the worst meth lab explosions in recent history, three people were injured and two killed when a private home blew up. Two neighboring houses were also damaged and had to undergo hazmat cleanup, while the house in question had to be leveled,

In addition to the two fatalities and three adults who were injured, a child was also taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

A neighbor who witnessed the explosion stated, You felt it over your whole body  through your bones.

3. Milton, FL, 2004

Heather Raybon is among the most notorious victims of meth lab explosions. She suffered severe, disfiguring facial burns during the initial incident, and has since undergone a number of plastic surgeries. Nevertheless, her face remains a shocking testament to the dangers of cooking methamphetamine.

Raybon was arrested several times after the explosion, once in 2009 for a traffic violation, and again in 2011 when police raided a trailer on a warrant for her alleged boyfriend, William Hindall.

Hindall, 30, and Raybon were both charged with trafficking methamphetamine, possession of felony drug equipment and possession of chemicals necessary to manufacture the substance.

4. Lakeland, FL, 2012

In one of the most alarming meth lab explosions, a driver was killed while attempting to make meth inside his moving vehicle. The body of 36-year-old Clifford Ellison was found inside his overturned car, along with evidence of a mobile, shake-and-bake meth kit.

This method of creating the illegal drug involves mixing chemicals in a bottle, then shaking it. In Ellisons case, the result was an explosion that drove shards of glass into his neck, killing him and causing the car accident.

5. Allegan, MI, 2011

Dennis Letts had been burned once before while attempting to manufacture meth, but a second incident frightened him into sobriety.

The explosion set Letts, then 28, on fire after throwing him 17 feet. He then burned for an estimated 90 seconds before a friend doused the flames with a fire extinguisher.

The skin on his chest, arms, and face, he later said, was melting like hot wax.

Meth Lab Explosions Can Be Stopped

There are many dangers associated with crystal meth, both its manufacture and its use. To learn more about actions you can take to create drug-free communities, visit the Community of Anti-Drug Coalitions of America website.

And if someone you love has a problem with addiction to meth or any other drug, please urge them to get help through rehab. There is hope!

5 Marketing Secrets Used by the Top Health Blogs

5 Marketing Secrets Used by the Top Health Blogs

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Building one of the top health blogs on the web requires a soundproof brand strategy. Digital marketing is different from traditional marketing in a number of ways, and health companies need to understand how to advertise online to their target demographic.

We want to help by providing some of the secrets to successfully marketing a health blog. Read our definitive list to learn how you can optimize your companys web presence.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is almost like an umbrella term for content marketing strategies. Inbound marketing attracts readers to your site and converts them into customers. Now the process seems simple, but it involves several key steps to make it work.

The first is developing a content strategy. People search online for lots of things, but as a potential top health blog, you must position your brand as the ultimate authority on health-related issues.

The internet has many tools to help you identify your target demographic, research metrics, and find analytic data. These tools are very useful on your journey to an authority site. They will help you determine which strategies are working and which ones arent.


Blogging is one of the most popular forms of inbound marketing. Bloggers create content in textual or visual format to share information with readers. Most online blogs are SEO-optimized with keywords and phrases that customers input when searching for health information.

The top health blogs update their site frequently with new, engaging content for readers. They add pictures and videos to visually stimulate customers. The blogs are also well-researched to provide factually correct information.

Blogging is a low-cost tactic to gain organic traffic to your site.

Social Media

Decades ago, social media wasnt a real medium, so there were no marketing techniques to attract customers to social sites. Within the last millennium, things have changed drastically. So much so that companies are hiring entire teams just to manage their social media accounts.

Your business needs a social media presence, and there are a lot of sites to choose from. Practices like Robinson Cosmetic Surgery cater to a specific demographic that consumes a lot of social media.

The top health blogs use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share content and attract readers. These sites allow users to purchase ads to promote their products/services. StumbleUpon is a lesser known site, but it helps users find websites and blogs catered to their interests.

Interact With Your Readers

Social media is great because it allows users to communicate with each other in real time. The interactive nature of these apps largely contributes to their popularity. You need to make your health blog interactive.

Engage users by posting downloadable content such as whitepapers and infographics. Trust me; people will download them if the information is useful and the formatting is aesthetically pleasing.

Build a comment section for your blog and respond to a couple of reader questions. Comment sections help you gauge your audience by seeing what they respond to.

Email Marketing and Lead Nurturing for Top Health Blogs

Capturing leads, i.e. customers, is as simple as asking them for their email address. Top health blogs post a call to action (CTA) at the end of every post to engage their readers. The CTA might be leaving their email address on the subscriber page.

Once the email is captured, owners build a subscriber list filled with clients interested in their products/services. They create email marketing campaigns using newsletters, giveaways, etc. to draw readers back to their site.

If youve found these tips helpful, we can assist you with all of your inbound marketing needs. Contact us today to get started.

Friday, December 29, 2017

5 Issues Authors Run Into That Require Legal Support

5 Issues Authors Run Into That Require Legal Support

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The art of writing as a career is a free expression of your thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and imagination for a profit.

However, as liberal as this profession may seem, it still has to play by the rules.

Writers can sometimes find themselves in need of legal support if they are not aware of the industrys general dos and donts.

Here Are 5 Issues Authors May Need Legal Support to Address

1. Copyright Issues

The best way to avoid copyright is to only publish your own work, but what about when you need something to support your writing?

This may be an image or a fact to add some credibility to the article or book youre working on. Always reach out to the source you want to cite.

When in doubt, use a trusted third party or practice Fair Use.

Instead of finding a random image from a search engine, sign up for a stock image website or hire a photographer to own your own private stock.

2. Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement may unintentionally cause you to need legal support. It is the unauthorized use of a trademark or brand in connection to something which may cause confusion.

Have you ever told someone to just Google a random fact, or use a Kleenex to blow their nose? This may be fine for casual conversation, but it is a perfect example of trade infringement.

If you are ever writing about a real-life situation in which someone was using a brand, try to create a fictional alternative to avoid needing legal support.

3. Privacy Rights

Another thing to be cautious about when relating true stories is the respect for privacy protection.

The United States has specific rights about disclosing another persons private information like medical or financial situations. Also, consider personal matters which may be considered sensitive or embarrassing.

Ask yourself if you were the subject how it would feel to have your private business told to the world, and when in doubt, seek counsel before publishing.

4. Contract Challenges

When working with a publisher, always double check the contract negotiations and rights.

Are you signing away film and television rights? How much control will you have in the editing process before the final draft is confirmed?

The best way to avoid needing legal support is to have a consistent, open line of communication with publishers.

When both parties understand submission deadlines, revision guidelines, and updating rights, the smoother the writing process becomes.

5. Registration of Your Copyright

Copyright exists as soon as you put something out in the world. Whether it be as a freelance writer, online blogger, or published author, the moment you put your name on it, its yours.

You reserve the right to authorize others to use your words and information. However, sometimes copyright issues arise.

The best way to protect your writing is to register your copyright. This may require some legal funding, but it is well worth the investment; its like insurance for your work.

Improve Your Writing

Are you interested in creating more relevant, targeted content?

Get access to industry analyses to focus on the right topics, build your writing team, and more with Article City.

Sign up for free and join the network today!

5 Gorgeous Garden Walkway Ideas for Your Home

5 Gorgeous Garden Walkway Ideas for Your Home

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This summer, dont leave your flowerbeds looking ho-hum.

Check out these 5 gorgeous garden walkway ideas.

1. Take the First Step

Stepping stone walkways are always in style. They appeal to everyone especially children. They love using them for their summertime chalk art!

Stones come in a variety of colors. You can choose what suits your style best.

Comprised of large stones placed in a bed of gravel, these walkways allow you more creativity and flexibility in your yard design. You can place the gravel in any shape you like.

You can also decide whether your walkway will be single-file, or if it will accommodate two people side by side for a leisurely stroll. Single file paths are usually used for access around the side of a house, or to a shed, for example.

2. Lead The Way

Garden pathways arent about getting from point A to point B. Theyre about enjoying the journey.

Meandering paths through scenic gardens are healthy for you. They help your brain relax. Create peace in your home garden by using a curved pathway.

Curving walkways create a sense of calm. They can also help small yards feel larger because they elongate the walking space. These informal pathways work best when surrounded by lush vegetation. Plants that stand about 6 inches to 1 foot high are a good fit.

Try large, fluffy plants like lavender or mondo grass to help flesh out your serene garden space.

3. Stay on the Straight and Narrow

Straight walkways give off a more formal vibe. They pair well with colonial style homes and larger yards, though they can work well with any space.

Lean toward plants that you can trim and arrange. Box hedges and sculpted topiaries all pair well with the crisp and clean lines of a straight walkway.

To add interest, consider a trellis covered in colorful blooms. Those with larger yards might invest in a water feature or small pond.

Small yard? Setting pavers on a diagonal will elongate the space. You can even grow moss between them for a refined feel.

4. Choose Your Palette

Whether you decide to create a zen garden or a garden inspired by Versailles, its important to choose materials that mesh with your theme.

Different shapes, textures, and colors of stone can each give off a different feel. For a cozy sensation, add lots of texture, asymmetrical shapes, and deep, rich color.

Going formal? Try angular, flat pavers in a neutral shade.

5. Mix It Up

Some of the best gardens are a blend of styles. Try breaking the rules. Mix textures and colors (like smooth slate and red brick) for a surprising satisfying pop of color.

Did you know that gravel comes in colors? Pair bright, unconventional colors and patterns to amp up your creativity.

By adding a few pavers for walkway, you can transform a garden into a wow-worthy space. Theres no better time than right now to start creating the garden of your dreams.

Well, are you feeling inspired? No matter the space you have, you can create something awesome!

5 Fire Extinguisher Types You Should Know

5 Fire Extinguisher Types You Should Know

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In 2015, 1,345,000 fires were reported in the U.S.

Each year, fires cause billions of dollars in property damage. To protect yourself from unintentional fires, a working fire alarm system is a must.

However, you should also invest in a fire extinguisher. Portable fire extinguishers can save property and lives. They can be used to contain small fires.

If a fire broke out in your home or office, would you know which kind of fire extinguisher to use? Did you know that there are several fire extinguisher types?

Keep reading for information about the most common fire extinguisher types.

5 Must-Know Fire Extinguisher Types

There are five classes of fire, and accordingly there are five different fire extinguisher types. You can check the label on the fire extinguisher to determine which type it is.

In homes and offices, youll often find a multi-purpose extinguisher.

Knowing which material caused the fire is useful when choosing the appropriate extinguisher.

Here are the five fire extinguisher types.

1. Type A Ordinary Combustibles

Type A extinguishers have an A on the label inside of a green triangle. These extinguishers work on combustible fires caused by:


The primary chemical used is monoammonium phosphate, which will smother the fire.

2. Type B Flammable Liquids

These extinguishers are marked with a B inside of a red box. Dealing with a fire caused by a flammable liquid? If so, youll need a type B extinguisher.

Fires that have ignited because of oil, gasoline, paint or tar require two ingredients to put out. Type B extinguishers use monoammonium phosphate to smother the fire. Then, they use sodium bicarbonate to extinguish it.

3. Type C Electrical Equipment

Extinguishers with a C inside of a blue box are for electrical equipment fires. This type of fire can be caused by:

Faulty appliance
Circuit breakers
Fuse boxes

Because these items have electricity running through them, non-conductive materials are a must. Type C extinguishers use monoammonium phosphate and sodium bicarbonate.

4. Type D Combustible Metals

Type D extinguishers are identified by their marking of a D inside of a yellow star. Combustible metals pose a different fire threat.

Use a Type D extinguisher to put out fires involving:


Because these metals are combustible, a dry powder material must be used. These extinguishers are ineffective on other fire classes.

5. Type K Combustible Cooking

Type K fire extinguishers are labeled with a black K.

This handle fires that involve large amounts of grease, including animal and plant-based fat. This type of most often used in kitchen fires.

Do you require more heavy-duty fire suppression items? If so, contact a professional company such as Cold Fire Tactical.

How Else Can You Protect Your Family?

Of course, having the right fire extinguisher on hand is just one of the steps you need to take when it comes to emergency preparedness.

Sign up for an account with us to learn more about the best ways to protect yourself and the ones you love during any disaster. Youll feel better knowing youre prepared for anything.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

5 Fast Facts About the Paris Climate Change Agreement

5 Fast Facts About the Paris Climate Change Agreement

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It seems like you cant read a newspaper or turn on a television without reading a new study on climate change. With melting ice caps and species dying, things are a bit frightening.

And given recent events, it seems discussions are more heated than ever.

President Trumps decision to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Change Agreement was a controversial decision, to say the least. Previously, the U.S. was working with 195 other countries to try and combat the effects of global warming.

But what is exactly is the Accord and what does it mean for international diplomacy?

Keep reading for some quick facts to get you up to speed.

1. The United States Cant Pull Out Overnight

Its going to take a few years before the U.S. is officially done with the Paris Accord. While Trumps decision made headlines, the withdrawal will take more time than he thinks.

Just how long will it take for the United States to revoke their membership? About 4 years, which coincides with the next presidential election.

This means that Trumps decision can be easily reversed should he not serve a second term.

2. There are Only 3 Countries Not Participating in the Agreement

Originally, there were only 2 countries Nicaragua and Syria that didnt sign on to the Accord. Should President Trumps decision stand, the United States will become the third.

Even areas that the U.S. has traditionally had issues with such as Russia and North Korea participate.

3. The Paris Climate Change Agreement Isnt Legally Binding

As it turns out, the reason Nicaragua declined to sign was for this very reason. While the country acknowledges climate change as a very real threat, they believe its up to the richer nations to combat change first.

And therein lies one of the most important aspects of the Accord. It isnt a legally binding document, so there isnt much of anything to hold a countrys feet to the fire. Participation is entirely on a voluntary basis.

4. China and India Complicate Matters

And since the Accord is voluntary, there arent any tangible consequences at least not yet.

China and India pose the two biggest threats to the fight on climate change, as both nations produce large amounts of carbon emissions.

You may recall President Trumps assertion that, China can do whatever they want for 13 years while the U.S. has to reduce coal production. In fact, it was touted as one of his primary reasons for removing the U.S. from talks.

His statement, however, is simply not true. PolitiFact points out that the document doesnt prohibit any nation from anything.

5. Most State Representatives Arent Happy With the Decision

Several states have already said that theyre not following the Presidents orders. In fact, New York and California have already promised to reduce their emissions.

In an unprecedented move, Trumps decision united bipartisan efforts to combat climate change.

What to Watch For

The following months are going to be an interesting time for climate discussions. With states now leading the effort to combat air pollutants, this isnt a fight thats going to die down soon.

Be sure to keep reading our blog as developments occur.

5 Deer Hunting Tips That Will Make You a Top Predator

5 Deer Hunting Tips That Will Make You a Top Predator

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Are you looking for ways to become a better bow hunter?

Improving your deer hunting skills doesnt happen with wishful thinking. If you want to become a top predator, you need to put in the work. This doesnt necessarily mean working harder or spending more time in the woods.

Sometimes, all you need to do is work smarter.

So, whether youre a seasoned hunter or a complete newbie, keep reading. Weve got the top 5 deer hunting tips that will turn any skill level into a top predator.

Tip #1: Cover Your Scent

Deer have a keen sense of smell.

They can detect your scent from about a mile away. Not to mention, deer can also detect you by the smell you leave behind in the air and on the ground.

In order to cover up your scent, youll want to invest in a scent eliminator. You should spray the scent eliminator in the air, on the bottom of your boots, and on your hunting gear.

Also, its a good idea to only use scent-free shower products right before your hunting trip to ensure you dont leave a scent in the air.

Tip #2: Keep Quiet

Covering your scent is only half the battle, you also need to keep quiet.

A deer can detect your movements from a quarter-mile away on days without wind. If a deer hears a suspicious noise, it will usually take them two hours to return to the spot.

Therefore, make sure youre stepping with great care. You may also want to consider investing in sound eliminating boot covers to reduce the noise.

Tip #3: Be Attractive

Were talking about using deer attractants. Deer attractants are exactly what they sound like- theyre products that will entice the deer to come towards you.

Some common deer attractants are deer feeders and deer urine.

Many people even choose to make their own deer attractants at home using common items such as apple cider, peanut butter, molasses, or salt.

Tip #4: Use a Compound Bow

We realize many of you may meet this tip with skepticism.

But, compound bow parts can be a great asset and many deer hunters even swear by it.

Finding success with a bow isnt easy, however. Make sure to follow these tips:

Make sure you hand select a bow that fits your size and strength
Most missed shots happen because of poor calculation, so know your distance!
Practice beforehand- dont wait until hunting day to use your bow for the first time

Tip #5: Know When to Hunt

Anytime is not the best time to go deer hunting. 

Typically, the best times to go are early in the morning or near dusk.

If you hunt in the morning, youll want to set up near the deers bedding area. And if you hunt at dusk, youll want to set up near their feeding area.

Deer Hunting Tips: Wrap Up

Follow these deer hunting tips and youll be a top predator in no time.

If you have any questions about the tips we listed, please drop a comment below. And, once you implement these tips, please fill us in on your success. Happy hunting!

5 Common Behavioral Problems in Pet Parrots (And How to Fix Them)

5 Common Behavioral Problems in Pet Parrots (And How to Fix Them)

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For any pet owner, its important to recognize when pets are displaying behavioral problems and to know how to resolve the issue. 

And, just as pets like cats and dogs can misbehave, pet parrots can exhibit a range of problem behaviors and cause frustration for their owners. 

However, there are certain behavioral issues displayed by parrots which are more widely reported than others. 

Read on to find out what behavioral problems to look out for in your pet parrot and what you can do to fix them.   

1. Biting

Biting is probably the most common problem seen in pet parrots, and its often a result of how the owner approaches and treats their pet. 

If you approach your pet parrot with apprehension, it will sense this and respond with a bite. And if you use your hands to shoo your bird away or cause harm, it will learn to associate your hands with something bad. Parrots and other birds dont have hands to defend themselves so they use their beaks. 

Unfortunately, not all birds are as well-treated as those from XtreemParrotlets and may be acting out of fear after experiencing abuse. So, even if youve always been kind to your pet parrot, it may be reacting this way due to how it was previously treated. 

The best way to overcome the problem of biting is to approach your parrot calmly and only ever use your hands in a friendly way, never for rejection or punishment.

Reward your parrot when it doesnt bite you, and avoid reacting when it does. If you scream or yelp this will reinforce the behavior and your parrot will continue to bite you.  

2. Feather Plucking

This is a serious issue that close to three out of ten birds suffer from at some point, although there are many different causes for it. 

A poor diet can cause brittle or frayed feathers so be sure to provide your pet parrot with a varied diet full of nutrients.

A lack of light can also lead parrots to self-mutilate. Put your birds cage in a sunny spot of the house so that your parrot gets a daily dose of sunshine and vitamin D.  

Feather plucking can be as a result of boredom. Keep your parrot entertained with toys and make sure that its cage is big enough to move around in. 

Lastly, feather plucking is often a sign of depression or loneliness. Spend plenty of time with your parrot and give it lots of attention, especially if you have recently spent time away from home or someone in the household has left. 

3. Screaming

While screaming and vocalizing are common for most birds, especially at dawn and dusk, inappropriate screaming is a clear problem. 

As with biting, you should ignore any screaming or sounds you dont like and avoid looking at or going to your parrot when its screaming.

But, also make a point of rewarding your pet with attention and praise when it stops screaming. Gradually wait for longer periods of time before giving attention so that your parrot learns not to scream.  

Screaming can be a result of boredom or stress. So, to eliminate the cause of the problem, make sure your parrot is well-stimulated with toys and plenty of human interaction. 

And, just as talking or writing down our feelings can help us cope with stress, teaching your parrot to talk can help it express what its feeling. 

4. Destructive Behavior 

Destructive behavior in parrots such as making a mess of their cage or biting furniture is often a sign that your pet isnt receiving enough mental stimulation.  

Be sure to spend lots of time with your parrot, talk to it and include it in your daily activities, such as family meal times and watching television.  

Get new toys for your parrot to stave off boredom and make a point of regularly talking to your parrot and praising it, especially when it refrains from destructive behavior. 

5. Becoming Territorial 

Territorial birds will react to or attack anyone who occupies a certain area, such as a piece of furniture, claiming it as personal territory.  

Birds can sometimes become territorial as a result of hormonal changes. However, your parrots territoriality might be a sign that it is unhappy with its environment and isnt as comfortable with you as you would like. 

Bonding techniques such as sharing bird-safe food and giving your parrot regular baths can help, as can relaxing your parrot with soothing music. Try to create a calm, open atmosphere so that your parrot learns to live alongside you and your family without the need to claim territory. 

Encourage and Engage Your Pet Parrot to Help Stop Behavioral Problems

These common behavioral problems seen in parrots are mainly a reflection of a lack of stimulation within their environment. 

So, be sure to keep your parrot engaged by regularly talking to your pet, giving it toys to play with, and keeping it involved in daily activities.

And, while many of these bad behaviors should be ignored so as not to reinforce them, remember to always encourage and praise your parrot for good behavior. 

Does your parrot have any of these behavioral problems? Or can you offer any additional advice to stop your parrot from behaving badly? Let us know by commenting below.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

5 Clever Home Hacks That Make DIY Remodeling Easier

5 Clever Home Hacks That Make DIY Remodeling Easier

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If youre planning a DIY remodeling project then you arent alone. ArticleCity knows that making the most of your budget means using the best home hacks to get the most out of your remodeling project.

But being effective at any home remodeling or DIY project means planning ahead to make it work.

Plus, there are some home remodeling projects that are best left to the professionals. Trying to tackle some tasks can end up being costly and may damage your home if you arent experienced.

Dont worry. There are lots of great DIY projects you can do easily.

Try these 5 home hacks and youll love the results:

1. Glam Home Hack Kitchen Hardware

Like it or not the kitchen becomes the focal point of most homes. We gather there to eat, prep meals, and socialize.

Many times our kitchen is more like a living room. No wonder we love to decorate and make it a beautiful space to enjoy.

While many spend big bucks on a kitchen remodel there is a simple home hack that can update your kitchen in a short period of time. Updating the knobs, pulls, and hardware of your kitchen can have dramatic results.

A kitchen remodel can mean big headaches. Go for a hardware update first and you might feel like you have a whole new kitchen.

2. Ceiling Access Doors

Just because something in your home is great for storage and utility space doesnt mean it cant be beautiful.

For so many of us, we walk past eyesores in the home because they are functional. It may be your garage space or attic, but it should shine as much as the rest of your home.

Why not try a simple update to your attic access door? Theres a wide range of sizes and styles to choose from.

With a simple install, you can stop ignoring the door to your attic and start noticing how great it looks!

3. Look Up

Another simple DIY home hack is moving up in your storage. Whether you try this one out in the kitchen or the bathroom there can be dramatic results.

Unused space can actually make a room look smaller. Try hanging storage for pots. pans, towels, toiletries anything that is stuffed into the corners of your room.

The blend of function and design will be a bold look and updates any space.

4. Paper Lighting

Minimal design is hot right now. One of the coolest looks is white paper lanterns.

This update can make your rooms feel bigger. And paper lanterns are a great budget item to update any space.

5. Flooring

If you havent looked into the updated options in flooring you may be surprised at how economical and easy to install they are.

Trying out a dark wood or a laminate tile can change the look of an entire home. You can do this install yourself in an afternoon!

Your Best Home Hacks!

Once you know that there are easy DIY hacks out there you can have a more beautiful home without the hassle or the expense. From paper lanterns to new kitchen hardware a little change can go a long way.

Have a home DIY project that you love? Help the rest of us have the best homes possible too! Share your hacks below.

5 Changes Coming to Fleet Management in 2017

5 Changes Coming to Fleet Management in 2017

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As a fleet manager, you want to keep your eye on the ball, become informed about news, trends, and legislation, and watch out for unexpected curve balls in the fleet management industry.

To do your job effectively, you need to keep abreast of all thats new to accurately manage budgets, reduce financial and safety risks and increase company revenues.

After all, we all need to make our bosses, stakeholders, and customers happy.

I want you to be on top of your game, so Ive compiled 5 changes you need to watch for in 2017.

Lets hit the road.

1. Fuel Management Changes

Its no surprise to fleet managers that fuel cost is a key budget concern to the fleet industry.

In the beginning of 2017 The International Energy Agency predicted the global crude oil surplus will diminish, driving up fuel costs.

The increase occurred due to OEM and various other oil producers putting a cap on the production of oil, which fuels their own profits.

Not surprised?

But fleet managers are taking precautionary measures to increase fuel efficiency. A couple of these steps include purchasing more fuel-efficient vehicle models and downsizing the size of vehicles without sacrificing vehicle performance.

Managers are also implementing better fuel efficiency by encouraging better driving practices.

Some drivers receive monetary rewards for practicing more insightful driving habits.

2. Telematics

With more telematics technology installed in vehicles this year, fleet managers are better able to manage rising costs more effectively.

The utilization of implementing telematics boosted results in decreased fuel consumption, better routing and company productivity.

Another tactic companies are employing is the use of SIM cards in telematics devices as a way to lower data costs.

Whether for real-time monitoring or for scheduling, financial spending, and vehicle servicing, this evolving trend seems to be helping the fleet industry.

3. Paperless document management

The world is moving towards a paperless environment for business transactions and the fleet industry is no different.

Companies are trading in paper printing methods for electronic communications for purchase orders, delivery status, vehicle monitoring and reporting.

These key processes are now conducted electronically through email, online portals and on company websites.

4. GPS Tracking Systems

Approximately 30-40% of fleet companies use GPS tracking devices to manage aspects of business.

Like telematics, these systems help to minimize risk, decrease costs, and increase revenue.

GPS component tracking provides fleet managers more control over their business in these ways:

Theft risks go down
Driving efficiency goes up
Managers are able to monitor key standards like hours of service better

5. Vehicle availability

It happens frequently: Trucks get recalled and vehicles require maintenance regularly. Upfitter schedules can keep vehicles out of service. These inconveniences cause delays in your business, placing more stress on you.

One solution fleet management companies are using is bailment pool programs.

With fewer fleets doing their own upfitting, more companies are turning to bailment pools these days as a smarter alternative to keep business moving.

The above article highlights five changes coming to fleet management in 2017.

What other changes do you see coming down the pike?

5 Car Gadgets You Shouldnt Be Driving Without

5 Car Gadgets You Shouldnt Be Driving Without

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Think your car comes with everything you need right off the lot? Think again. These car gadgets are sure to improve your driving experience and your budget.

There are hundreds of capabilities youd love that are unavailable in standard models. But upgrading your vehicle at the dealership costs thousands of dollars.

In 2018, car gadgets are more than add-ons. They take your modern car into the future world of driving.

Digital Trends says, In our digital age, there are hundreds of gadgets to enhance our daily driving experience and help us streamline our day-to-day tasks.

Why wait for 2020? With car gadgets, the best of future driving is here today.

5 Essential Car Gadgets for the Future Driver

You dont have to be a technology buff to be a future driver. The best gadgets are simple enough for anyone to use. If you feel theres something missing in your driving experience, there is sure to be a gadget for it.

Its time to improve the efficiency, safety, and enjoyment of your driving. Weve selected five of the best gadgets for you to get started.

1. Dedicated GPS Navigation Device

Dedicated GPS navigation may seem outdated. But youd be surprised what youre missing by using your mobile device.

First, your phone wasnt designed for navigation. Smartphone screens are small, and they often overheat. Receiving a call or even tapping your device can drop navigation as well.

Dedicated devices dont have these problems. Without all of the backend processes of smartphones, theyre much more responsive as well.

2. Dashboard Camera (Dash Cam)

Dash cams are becoming increasingly popular. There are two main reasons: security and liability.

If you have a break in, a dash cam will record what happens inside the car and out. Dash cams will also film an accident, providing evidence that holds up in court.

3. OBD2 Scanner

An OBD2 scanner is the most common-sense car gadget on the market. These scanners communicate with your cars onboard computer to identify problems in the system. Who wouldnt want that in their car?

Not all OBD2 scanners are made equal. You can compare best selling OBD2 scanners to find the device thats right for you.

4. Mifold

Child seats arent on the top of every car gadget enthusiasts list. But if you have kids, wouldnt you like the safest, simplest, most ergonomic car seats in the back?

The Mifold is an advanced, compact booster seat. Its a high performer in child safety. And its ten times smaller than a regular booster seat, so no more strained backs for Mom or Dad.

5. The Smart Wheel

The Smart Wheel is one of the coolest gadgets on the market. This smart steering wheel prevents distracted driving, one of the greatest dangers to drivers and pedestrians alike.

The device snaps onto just about any steering wheel. It detects distracted habits and warns the driver of the danger.

You can even track your driving habits by connecting to your smartphone. Build an improvement plan based on the results. Its the best non-human copilot youve ever had.

Drive Your Brand Forward

The world of car gadgets is a crowded market. But successful brands are distinguishing themselves in these five areas all the time. Think Garmin.

Are you ready to distinguish your brand? Want to start converting leads into sales? Sign up free with Article City for the best in contact marketing for your brand.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

5 Best Countries You Can Migrate To

5 Best Countries You Can Migrate To

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Did you know that the number of international migrants reached 244 million in 2015, a 40% increase from the year 2000?

Immigration is not a new phenomenon. This international movement of people dates back to the pre- historic days. That was when Homo Sapiens who occupied all of Africa about 150,000 years ago, moved out and settled across Australia, Asia and Europe by 40,000 years BCE. This was the first human migration. Afterwards people started immigrating around the world in search of work and better livelihood.
With the entire world converging into a global village, thanks to the technological advances, the usual woes caused by immigration is all handled with ease. You can catch up with your family and friends over free apps such as skype, viber, and facetime etc. Infact, you can even send money instantaneously via trusted international money transfer houses. So, put your worries to rest, and get ready to realise your dream for good life.

Well take the liberty of helping you out with 5 best countries to migrate.


Declared as the happiest place on earth, by UN World Happiness Report (WHR) 2016 for the third time consecutively, Denmark is a great place to live and raise children for any expat. As citizens of one of the least corrupt countries in the world, the Danes value individual freedom, time and democracy. The education system is one of the best in the world. The Danish public schooling is financed by taxes and therefore free of charge. The Danes do not consider failure and dishonour to be synonymous, hence there is always an encouraging healthy competitive environment. This is a great motivator for all adults and children alike. With a great work-life balance, offices and work are quite inspiring. The most flourishing industries in Denmark are Pharma, Biotechnology, Energy and Construction.


Germany has been ranked as the best country to live in the world, according to new analysis unveiled at the World Economic Forum 2016 in Davos. Its strong economy, top quality public infrastructure, and high standard of living and education has made this nation a preferred location for prospective migrants. If you wish to work in industries such as Healthcare, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Automotive and Mechanical Engineering, Steel and Metals, and Optics, then Germany is a country you should consider.

New Zealand

A peaceful beautiful country with lowest pollution and crime rate, New Zealand is a country you should have on your bucket list. The Social Progress Index (SPI) 2016, has ranked New Zealand as the world's 10th most socially advanced country. It was also ranked 4th most tolerant country, due to its open and liberal attitudes towards immigrants and religious minorities. The Kiwis believe that life is for living and maintain great optimal work-life balance. The native Kiwis are known to be very warm and welcoming to foreigners. In the 2015 Expat Insider survey, 94% of respondents said they found Kiwi people friendly or very friendly. The best flourishing industries are Agriculture, Energy and Telecommunications.


Canada has been voted as one of the best countries in the world for skilled migrants by UNs annual Human Development Index (HDI) 2015. With one of the highest immigration rates in the world, Canada has admitted over 250,000 newcomers a year, which is close to 1% of the population for the past two decades. Its governmental policies, advanced economy, GDP, high standards of living, world class cities, quality of life and excellent infrastructure facilities are reasons why you could consider Canada for your next stop. The best opportunities exist for professionals in Information Technology, Energy, Agriculture and Manufacturing.


A whopping 84% of people in this country are foreign-born (according to the Migration Policy Institute's review of UN estimates 2016). Declared as the city with the best quality of life in the Middle East, according to Mercer's 2016 data, Dubai is a paradise for expats. The UAE also ranks as one of the best countries in the world for career-oriented women, according to newly released data from the HSBC Expat Explorer survey. The best thriving industries are Construction, Energy and Telecommunications.

Now that you know about the best countries in the world to migrate, go ahead and get ready for the good life youve always dreamed of. Life is either a daring adventure or just nothing!

5 Athletic Books For the Fitness Freak in You

5 Athletic Books For the Fitness Freak in You

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With all that time youve been spending in a gym, theres likely a muscle youve been neglecting your mind!

Yes, your mind grows stronger when you challenge it, just as your muscles do. Reading books, especially fiction, is an easy way to strengthen neural connectivity in the brain.

Whether youre a fiction-lover or prefer nonfiction, cracking open a book to flex your brain muscle is always a good idea.

If youre looking for some reading ideas, check out our list of athletic books!

Born to Run, Chris McDougall

If you are a runner or looking for inspiration to run, you need to read this book.

McDougall, a foreign correspondent for the Associated Press, was always an avid runner. When he started experiencing knee pain during his runs, he wanted to learn more about different running tools like compression socks and special shoes to help alleviate the pain.

What he unearthed was a tribe of super-runners, the Tarahumara, in the Mexican mountains who ran with only old tire treads strapped to their feet. McDougalls research took him all over the world to discover why and how humans are simply built to run. Its a book youre guaranteed to not be able to put down.

The Boys in the Boat, Daniel James Brown

If youre more historically inclined, this ones for you. The Boys in the Boat tells the story of the mens crew team at the University of Washington that went on to compete in the Berlin Olympics on the brink of WWII.

The book tells the stories of the gold-winning crew who came from shipyard and logging backgrounds. Youll notice the heavy themes of teamwork and perseverance laced throughout the book.

The Blind Side, Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis has a fantastic knack for storytelling. The Blind Side tells the real store of Michael Oher, an African American boy who is taken under the wing of a football-loving, wealthy white family.

Michael starts to play football and realizes hes the perfect package of speed, size, and agility to be an offensive tackle. His job protect the quarter backs blind side.

This one makes our list of athletic books for its message of persevering even in the face of adversity and giving it your all every day.

Thrive, Brendan Brazier

This book is for all the vegetarian athletes out there. Brendan Brazier, a lifelong triathlete, wrote Thrive to explain how clean eating is a suitable diet for athletes.

His passion for a plant-based diet not only led him to write a book on the topic but also to founding Vega Sports Performance Products. Hes on a mission to prove clean eating can fuel all kinds of athletic activity, including building muscle mass.

The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday

The Obstacle is the Way is a great book to read if your perception of your limitations is holding you back in your workouts.

This book draws on the Greek idea of stoicism. What you learn is to focus on things you can control and to let go of everything else outside of your control.

While it doesnt necessarily fit in with our athletic books, its a great reminder that your mind might be blocking you from making the next breakthrough in your sport.

Athletic Books FTW!

Whether you consider yourself an athlete or not, anyone can find inspiration in these athletic books.

Of course, there are plenty more books to discover to inspire your physical or mental athletic game.

So, get to reading and find all new inspiration to throw on your workout clothes. Youll be amazed by how much motivation you have now that youve flexed your brain muscles!

Monday, December 25, 2017

4 Tips to Pick the Perfect Hand Tools for DIY Car Repairs

4 Tips to Pick the Perfect Hand Tools for DIY Car Repairs

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There is no doubt that doing your car servicing and repairs can save you a ton of money, but to work on modern cars without damaging anything else, you need good quality hand tools.  Modern engine compartments are getting more crowded every year, and you could easily damage something, like an expensive electronic component (or your fingers) when a badly fitting tool slips off a fastener.

So how do professional mechanics avoid these problems? Read on for some tips from professional mechanics on how to buy the perfect hand tools for car repairs.

Only buy what you need

Unlike professional mechanics, you dont need truckloads of tools if you are only going to be working on your own car, and buying full sets of wrenches, screwdrivers, and sockets is an easy mistake to make.

Full sets of anything are expensive, and you will eventually end up with many tools you never use on your car. The first thing to buy is a good repair manual since the explanations of repair procedures are usually accompanied by a list of tools you need for that particular job. Go through the entire manual, and compile a list of everything you need to tackle the jobs you feel confident of performing successfully.

Next, make sure there are no duplicated items on the tool list, but resist the temptation to rush out and get everything on your list from the nearest hardware store, for reasons we will explain next.

Only buy tools from the experts

Almost all tool manufacturers offer their product as individual items, but it is unlikely you will find individual items at your local hardware store. However, before you buy anything elsewhere, take some time to consult with the repair shops in your area. Professional mechanics earn their living with their tools, so they are the best-qualified people to ask about which brands of tools are the best.    

When you consult with the local mechanics, you will no doubt notice that none of them uses Unbranded tools. There is a reason for that; Unbranded tools are often, if not always, badly designed, and are prone to breakages and failures. Moreover, Unbranded tools are often not made to conform to any accepted engineering and quality standards, so you might find that the new, shiny sockets you just bought dont fit into confined spaces in your engine because their outside diameters are a fraction of an inch too big.

Bear in mind that engines are assembled in the factory with standard tools, so the clearances around fasteners are designed to accept all standard, but branded tools.The only places where you will find tools of this standard are some of the bigger auto parts stores, or dedicated tool merchants that carry tools that are guaranteed to conform to accepted engineering and quality standards.

Buy the best tools available

You may save some money by buying less expensive tools, but this means that you may have to replace items like pliers, ratchet handles, ratchet wrenches, and other items with moveable parts every so often. By buying the best tools available, as opposed to the best you can afford, you only have to buy tools once, since good quality tools will provide a lifetime of reliable service.

However, when you buy tools, make sure the store gives you a lifetime warranty against breakages and failures. Most reputable tool manufacturers offer a no-questions-asked warranty on ratchet handles, extension bars, and sockets, so make sure you get this warranty.

Get calibration certificates

When you buy items like Combination Wrenches, make sure the packaging includes a calibration certificate. This is especially important in the case of torque wrenches since an inaccurate tool can cause major mechanical failures when fasteners are not torqued correctly.

An impact wrench, regardless of whether it is electric or pneumatic is a very handy tool to own, since it can save you a lot of time and trouble undoing stubborn fasteners. However, check the maximum torque stated on the packaging against the calibration certificate to avoid ending up with a tool that is not powerful enough to do what you want it to do, such as removing stubborn CV axle nuts.

4 Tips To Make Money Online With An Internet Home Business

4 Tips To Make Money Online With An Internet Home Business

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Making money online is not that difficult. Many people do it every day all around the world, men, women, young old, computer geniuses or completely newbies, so why not you? To make money online with an internet home business all you need to know is those 4 things:

1. The first thing you need is a product. It can be your own product or someone else's product. It does not matter whose products it is, it is all a matter of supply and demand. If people are looking for this kind of product, you will find buyers, as long as the price is right and your buyers can pay for it.

The internet made the web to one big mall, where everyone can find what they are looking for, and it is available to everyone.

However, some products make a better sale than others. For example, the information products, short reports, eBooks and video, are great information resources, and since the internet is a big information resource, these products conquer the best success.

2. The next thing you need is a costumer. The internet is full with potential customers, those people are searching the internet for answers to problems they have and you can supply it to them.

This is where the opportunity to make online money from an internet home business is coming to life. Sell the information to make money online. If you know how to recognize the problem and you can offer and answer and even a solution, you will be able to sell your product online.

Your product can be your own product, a report you wrote, or an eBook you wrote, and this product can be someone else's, an audio or a video. If you sell your own product, you will make 100% commission from it, and if it someone else's you will be able to make up to 75% commission just from selling the product.

3. Now, the third thing you will need is a way to send the product to your costumer. If you have your own product, affiliate marketing is the answer for you. They will handle all the customer support, billing and shipping.

However if you are selling information, the advanced technology of the internet allows you to give instant access to the product, the minute the payment was accomplished. Once paid for, the costumers are redirected to a download link and they can save the information to their computer immediately.

4. The last thing you will need is a system for your success. This system includes a website, a blog, an autoresponder, and a funnel system including back end products to sell.

If you want to make money online with your internet home business you need this system to work, and promote it on a regular basis. This is where internet marketing comes in. You will have to learn different internet marketing methods and master them, then work with those methods to promote your business to drive constant traffic to it.

In conclusion, to make money online you need a product to sell, customers to buy this product from you, a system to help you to collect the money and deliver the product to your customer, and a system to generate traffic and sell products on the back end.

4 questions which you should always ask to the car detailer

4 questions which you should always ask to the car detailer

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People often are emotionally attached to their cars. Not only, it is a symbol of their lifestyle but also, they like to always keep it clean and visually appealing. This is where the role of car detailers comes into the picture. Car detailers actually make sure that the car is looking as good as new. Also, they can visually enhance the appearance of the car as well. However, one thing which you have to keep in mind is that car detailing is one such task which is highly dependent on the skills of the individual car detailer. That is why, before choosing the car detailer, it is important to ask them a few questions in order to test their knowledge and also to find out whether they are up to the mark or not.

What is the cost of car detailing?

This is pretty much the basic question which you should always begin with. When you are able to know the cost of car detailing, thereafter only you can understand whether you have to opt for that service or not.

What is included in the package?

Instead of just asking the fees of the car detailer, you have to look at the services which are included in the package. It can be as simple as waxing the body of the car or it can be as complex as drawing any graphics on the car. That is why you have to always ask them the things which are included in car detailing.

Which type of cleaning method would be used?

Even in the basic package of car detailing, the cleaning of the car is included. However, before you finalize that package it is important to know the type of cleaning techniques which would be used for your car. While the cleaning techniques might remain uniform across different cars but depending on the age of the car and brand of the car, some modification might be needed. That is why it is a better idea to get this confirmed in advance. When you are able to get the car cleaning method confirmed in advance, you would get an idea about the outcome as well.

What is the duration for which the effects of car detailing would last?

Obviously, the effects of car detailing are not permanent. That is why you have to inquire from them upfront about the time period for which the detailing would last. A lot would also depend on how frequently you are driving your car as well.

So, when youre searching for mobile car detailing in Rancho Santa Fe or mobile car detailing in San Marcos, it is important to 1st ask the car detailers these 4 questions. This would provide you with a better idea regarding the car detailing services and whether you should opt for one or not. Once you are able to get this basic information, you would be able to decide whether the car detailing service is the perfect option for you or not.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

4 Fun and Different Team Building Games for 2017

4 Fun and Different Team Building Games for 2017

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Say it with us: No more boring team building games this year.

2017 is going to be fun, fun, fun. We know it. We claim it.

You should claim it, too.

After all, arent you tired of trust falls and other cringe-worthy team building activities? Dont you want a different team building experience one that doesnt make you feel all ragey whenever you think about it?

We hear you.

Thats why weve compiled a quick list of fun and different team building games that are really the farthest thing from lame.

Humans vs. Zombies

Its a game of tag but with zombies.

At the start, one player is randomly chosen to be the Original Zombie (OZ) while the rest all play as humans.

Once the OZ tags another player, he or she turns into a zombie. Zombies must tag a human every 48 hours or theyre out of the game.

Humans, on the other hand, can defend themselves with socks and dart blasters. The game ends when all humans have been tagged and turned into zombies or when the humans survive long enough for all the zombies to starve.

You can use the official Goucher-Style rules or modify them to fit your game. Since 2005, Human vs. Zombies has been played at schools, camps, neighborhoods, libraries, and conventions around the world.

Sumo Wrestling

We know. Charlies Angels was a long time ago. 2000 to be exact.

But if you ask us about our favorite bit in that movie, its not where Drew, Cameron, and Lucy are kicking everyones butts. Yes, theyre quite lovely while doing that and all but our absolute favorite part is where Tim Curry and Billy Murray are squaring off in a sumo fat suit.

As team building games go, this ones quite easy. You just need a couple of inflatable sumo fat suits and a makeshift dohyo (sumo ring).

Now, the objective is to grapple with your opponent and force him or her out of the ring. Friendly smack talk optional.

There are two teams. A member of each team dukes it out in a Sumo match. One bout equals three games and each game winner receives a point.

The team with the highest score at the end is declared the winner.

Blind Wine/Food Tasting

This one takes a bit of preparation but the end results are worth it.

Youll need a wide variety of beverages and foods and blindfolds. Tip: Consider food allergies when choosing foods/beverages for this game.

The team who can guess the most items win. You can also up the level of difficulty for this game by having the teams answer trivia questions before they can move on to the next table or item.

The Challenge

This is a Jeopardy-style game where three contestants battle it out for a chance to win some cold, hard cash.

And nope, you dont have to dust off your encyclopedia for this. Remember, borings not allowed here so you can take it easy and just have some fun.

Like Jeopardy, theres a board with several categories. Each category has a different point value. One contestant will choose a category but anyone can hit the buzzer to answer.

Of course, having fast hands is an advantage but only if you can answer the questions correctly. The game goes to the individual with the highest score.

How about you? Whats the most fun youve had in a team building activity? Let us know in the comments.

4 Common Phone Repair Myths Decoded - a Help to Prevent Replacement

4 Common Phone Repair Myths Decoded - a Help to Prevent Replacement

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Look around you, and you would watch everyone making use of a smart phone with a large display that serves numerous other purposes other than making calls. You get to listen to music, watch movies, play games, manage appointments, set a reminder and do every other thing that makes your life easy. With such rough usage that the mobile phone receives, accidents are bound to take place where the screen (made of glass) goes for a toss, and there are multiple cracks in it. A few think that taking it to the repairs shop would sort the issue while a few feel that replacing it with a new one is the catch.

Given the numerous stores and mobile repair centres cropping up now and then for phone and I Pad repair in Canberra, getting rid of smart phone issues has become easy without having to spend money all over again to buy a new set. Despite such amenities available at hand, there are times when people believe in numerous myths that they have overheard from somewhere or the other. Here are a few myths decoded for those of you who are confused on opting for repair services or not.

Myth 1 They would take away your original parts

There is almost no resale value of an old mobile part, and so when you take your phone to a renowned repair shop, they would only want to focus on the part that is damaged and needs attention. Since they have a business reputation to maintain, they would help you in all possible ways and not take you for a ride.

Myth 2 They do not replace with original parts

Any certified mobile repair shop would help you with nothing but original parts and help you with a guarantee that promises better longevity. Since they are certified by the mobile manufacturer, you can rest assured that you have received the best services after they have finished with repairing and replacing dysfunctional parts in your phone.

Myth 3 A crack on the screen does no harm to the phone

There are several who intend to carry on with a cracked screen and deter from replacing it thinking it to be a minor damage. What people do not understand is that a crack on the mobile screen affects the phone internally while allowing problems like malfunctioning of the backlight, discolouration and spots on the screen that are difficult to get rid of. Therefore, whenever you witness a crack on the screen, repair and replace it immediately to allow better longevity.

Myth 4 The moment I get my phone after repair, it wouldnt be the same

When it comes to a dysfunctional phone, you would, by all means, go to a shop for Samsung repair in Canberra that is authorised and has relevant experience and expertise. With the professionals being adept with phone repair, they would replace parts with original ones and allow you to use the phone just the way you did before. There would be no change in the way the phone would function while allowing you to continue with a seamless usage.

3 Tips for Small Business Year End Tax Planning

3 Tips for Small Business Year End Tax Planning

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Besides setting financial goals to grow your business, you also need to manage your financial responsibilities. One way is by ensuring you have a robust year-end tax planning process. Failing to do this, the business will suffer financial and legal consequences.

Small businesses face many big challenges. Some of them include:

Dependence on few clients
Maintaining cash flow while paying expenses
Fatigue due to pressure and overworking
Dependence on the business founder
Balancing quality and growth

While these challenges delay the success of the business, poor year end tax planning can kill it. Read on to learn more.

Tips for Year End Tax Planning

Every small business owner must know the requirements for tax planning and reporting. Businesses pay federal income taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, and employment taxes. Any mistakes and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will start breathing down your neck.

The IRS looks into false income reporting, accounting irregularities, and improper deductions. Getting it wrong exposes your business to penalties, fines, and fraud charges. 

Your goals should be:

To reduce your taxable income and tax rate
To take advantage of deductions and credits

Here are some tips to help with your year end tax planning:

Find the Right Tax Software

Tax software is an essential part of your planning. It is cost-efficient and it simplifies the process. It also:

Outlines the information requirements in the tax code
Allows for fast and secure e-filing of tax returns
Speeds up the receiving of refunds
Ensures tax deductions and credits
Removes errors and mathematical mistakes
Transfers federal tax information to state tax returns
Pulls business data (e.g. payroll) from other software

If you use a tax service bureau like UltimateTax, you also get access to support staff. They will help you with any software issues and answer your tax questions.

Having tax software keeps you prepared. People make the mistake of waiting until tax season to compile their financial data. Get detailed reports of your financial transactions throughout the year.

Hire an Accountant or Tax Consultant

While tax software completes some of the functions of an accountant, hiring one is still a good decision. They prepare payroll data, assist in auditing, review budgets and expenses, compile financial information, and maintain financial software.

Like a tax consultant, an accountant makes sure your small business is tax-compliant. He or she will calculate the various taxes and file the accurate returns.

These professionals know how to get deductions for your business. Some examples include travel, automobile, equipment, and home office deductions.

Another key function is to track annual changes in credits and deductions. Your accountants role is to ensure you get the maximum refunds possible. They also keep track of the deadlines for filing deductions and credit forms.

Determine Whether You Will Defer Income

Small businesses can defer their income to reduce their tax liability. They can use different options such as cash-basis accounting and accrual accounting.

Cash-basis involves sending invoices late to delay your income. Thus, the money isnt available for addition in the tax returns. Accrual involves delaying products and services. That way, you wont be paid in time for the current years taxes.

Get More Tips

It takes a lot of work to succeed as a small business owner. You have to find quick solutions to anything that may delay your success. The tips above are one example.

Visit our website to read more business topics and get great tips.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

3 Reasons Why Autonomous Vehicles Will Be Here Sooner

3 Reasons Why Autonomous Vehicles Will Be Here Sooner

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In today's fast moving world, technology and new inventions are popping up every day, making life easier on us. The auto and transportation industry is no different. We have seen this industry progress very quickly in the past few years. Seeing the invention of electric vehicles, more efficient vehicles and now including the amount of autonomous safety features, the question is often brought up, what will the auto industry look like in ten years? While the answer may still be years away, here are three reasons why autonomous or driverless vehicles will be here sooner rather than later.

1. Humans are bad drivers. If the industry moves to being 100% autonomous or self-driving, the need for us human drivers would be completely eliminated. This would bring down accidents and auto related fatalities nearly by 100%. While it is hard to imagine no human drivers on the road, it makes sense when we see how safe these autonomous safety features can keep us. Not all drivers are bad, but in today's technologically driven world almost everyone you see will have a smartphone in their hand or pocket. And the same goes for while they are behind the wheel. These smartphones allow drivers to become easily distracted which results in accidents and injuries, often deadly. You cannot put all the blame on smart phone use however, other things like eating, doing your makeup, fixing the radio, smoking and even talking to your friend in the passenger seat are all easy distractions. It is important to just focus on driving. 

2. Technology is making us more comfortable. Technology arguably runs our lives. It surrounds us and makes our daily lives easier. The same goes for these driverless vehicles and their technologies. These new safety features have come around so quickly and the art has nearly been perfected. It is almost impossible to find a new car without some sort of autonomous safety feature. Anything from voice control, rear-view cameras, automatic parking, connected wi-fi and Bluetooth and automatic braking you can expect to see. As these additions become even more common and present in our driving experiences, we will get more comfortable and used to them. And once we realize the ease and safety that these features provide, we won't look back.

3. Everyone can be apart of the autonomous industry. From young children to old grandparents or those with a disability, anyone can use these autonomous driving services. The safety and ease of use of these self-driving vehicles will allow anyone to get to their destination, even if you were not able to physically drive regardless of the reason. This will make transportation easier and safer, especially for the disabled and elderly community. These self-driving vehicles will gives us more freedom, independence and options for everyone. Imagine your next road trip not having to worry about driving, directions or how your grandparent might get there. Driverless vehicles and the safety features they come equipped with may be revolutionary, not only to the transportation and automobile industry, but also to those people who might have felt left out all of these years. 

The use and addition of autonomous vehicles into the industry would be huge, helping to create safer roads, more opportunity and a better industry. Companies all over have been pouring money and time into these self-driving features and vehicles to perfect them. And not just automakers, companies like Uber, Google and Amazon have begun to invest into these fields. While this change may not happen for another five to ten years, once we get a taste of the autonomous industry we will never look back.

3 Practical Robots Already in Use

3 Practical Robots Already in Use

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Robots are drastically altering the modern day workplace. A large misconception surrounding such automated technologies is that robotic applications can only be utilized by corporate Goliaths. However, as time progresses, an increasing number of business owners are beginning to comprehend the boundless growth potential that accompanies the deployment of robotics. Here are some innovative robotic creations with unique industrial applications.


Everyone wants to get the most out of their vacation. Unfortunately, the fun may become stalled when travelers arrive too early to check in at their hotel and are forced to haul their luggage around as they wait for their room to be prepared. However, thanks to the Yotel Hotels ingenious new robotic creation coined the Yobot, visitors are swiftly being alleviated of their luggage storage woes.

With the help of MFG Automation, the Yotel was able to successfully alter a robotic arm which was previously utilized in factory automation. As a result, the hotels luggage processing procedures have been completely automated.

The large robotic arm is encased behind a glass wall where visitors are able to watch the machine at work. After interacting with a touchscreen, Yobot provides guests with a container for which to place their luggage in. Shortly after, the box is weighed and placed into a compartment along a spacious wall of lockers. Yobot then issues a receipt to the guest for when they wish to finally pick up their bag.

Robotic arms are already utilized within the medical and automotive industries, however, this is the first instance an automated arm has been used to help travelers haul their bags.


A renowned fallacy concerning robotics is the idea that it is simply the mundane and repetitive tasks that will receive the attention of robotic automation. While the mechanization of monotonous duties is in fact at the forefront of automation, there are however several unique companies seeking to improve efficiency by automating the customer service aspects of their business.

OSHbot is a prodigious creation which fills this niche of robotic automation. Recently, an OSHbot retail service robot was installed in the midtown San Jose Orchard Supply Hardware store. The 5-foot-tall autonomous robot is capable of greeting customers as they arrive in both English and Spanish. Visitors of the store are able to communicate with OSHbot in a number of ways. Firstly, customers can convey exactly what they are looking for to the robot, or they can simply hold up an image of the item to OSHbots camera and the robot will direct them to the precise location of the item in the store.

OSHbot is also able to track inventory in real time and is capable of informing employees when an item is no longer in stock.

Advanced Intelligent Systems Inc.

Having faced increased environmental and labor-force challenges, agriculture is an industry at a crossroads. The sector is constantly evolving and forward-thinking farmers are embracing innovative solutions to stay a step ahead of the game. By employing innovative robotic solutions, Advanced Intelligent Systems Inc. (AIS)s revolutionary UGV technology is guaranteed to alleviate farmers from the complexities of crop cultivation.

As greenhouse nurseries have begun to migrate towards container-based production, these cumbersome containers require periodic movement to accommodate growth and seasonality. However, this arduous task is often carried out manually by foreign temporary workers who are both costly and difficult to source. Luckily, there is a solution.

AISs Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) has been developed to replace employees who perform these hazardous tasks. This flexible autonomous system is capable of transporting various plant pot sizes and weights according to a pre-programmed pattern. As a result, the intricacies of employee turnover are utterly eliminated, as AISs UGVs are capable of working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not to mention, there will be no need to pay costs such as worker insurance, medical, housing, transportation, and even wages.

8 Reasons You Should Have an Escape Room Party

Image source: Another birthday rolling around and still have no clue how to ...